
After the surprising result coming from the polls on July 23th, Great Britain has voted by a greater than expected margin to leave the European Union, which makes us believe the poll institutes were trying to influence the voters’ decision, instead of actually showing their intentions. It doesn´t matter whether they are British or Brazilian, their ultimate goal seems to be about inducing the undecided citizens to vote according to “the plan”.

We were thrilled with the result and we are thinking about changing our mind about how meaningful the referendum decision is going to be. The EU referendum is not legally binding and the Parliament doesn’t actually have to abide by the results. Because the Parliament is majorly in favor of the Bremain, we had considered the Brexit movement as unlikely. Nevertheless, since Cameron announced his resignation, the probabilities of an effective exit have increased and we believe this is the best news for the UK, for Europe and for the World.

We believe the UK has set itself free and also motivated other countries to do the same. Just like Farage said in his victory speech, it was a triumph against the big banks, big corporations and politicians that want a big State. Political parties in Italy, Netherlands, Sweden, Belgium, Poland, Spain, Hungary and France have already started their movements towards having their own EU referendum. Even Texas separatism has strengthened in the aftermath of the Brexit.

This victory was really important and historic considering the fact that the Bilderberg Meeting took place a few weeks prior to the referendum, and Brexit happened to be on top of its agenda. Other prominent people from all over the world (Obama, Bill Gates, Lagarde, Mario Draghi, Soros, Buffett, etc.) have also tried to warn the British citizens of the terrible consequences they would face in case of Brexit. They were all trying to force the UK into handing over its democracy and sovereignty in exchange for an unreal “safety”. We believe that once all the danger threatened by the elite propaganda fades way, other countries may follow the British example.

The EU is actually a form of power without representation or accountability. There are thousands of  bureaucrats in Brussels deciding which goods are appropriate and may be used by companies, defining small details such as color, sizes, etc. – that’s the ultimate stage of bureaucracy! That’s too much even for countries like Brazil. We can only categorize it as the tyranny of big government, a dictatorship.

Who is the president of the EU? Does anyone know? There are 4 of them! You read it right, there are 4 presidents. What do they do? Who is charge of what? Does anyone know their names? They are all directly chosen by bureaucrats and not elected by the people like any other Politician should be. Therefore, they simply don’t have accountability to the citizens they represent. We don’t even need to mention their generous paychecks and the biggest of all their benefits: lower taxes!

The Globalists’ dream has become a nightmare. They will now try to recover the lost ground. As a matter of fact, they have already started it: the left-wing is protesting against the referendum. The left is all about favoring referendums, as long as the results are the ones they want. Moreover they are accusing the British of racism and blaming the polls’ results on the elderly, who are supposedly opposing the sentiment of the youngsters.

To top it all off, the Scottish Prime-Minister is willing to block the Brexit, claiming the Scottish Parliament has the right to veto the decision.

We see it differently. We really believe that the UK (with or without Scottland) is now going to take off.

Do you know how many regulations are there for the manufacturing of pillows? Over 100! And for glasses – more than 200! There are about 50 laws regulating bed sheets and 30 for toothbrush! The list is endless and new regulations are added to it on a daily basis. The cost of those regulations is incalculable, and it has killed the British industry with legislations. Obviously, we doubt someone knows all of them. By the way, it’s highly probable that everyone is breaking a rule, so that the State can put any citizen behind bars (or punish in some other way) for breaking a law no-one is aware of.

Now that the UK has freed itself (hopefully) from all the unreasonable regulations, we expect to see progress back to the country. Of course there may be some immediate side effects, such as unemployment, inflation, economic deceleration and other drawbacks, but in the long run we believe all the problems are going to be overcome. As the saying goes “You can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs”. In a short period of time, the UK´s industry is going to pick up again and bring more prosperity, jobs, innovations and growth along with it.

A weaker Pound (which plunged over 8% on Friday, the day after the Brexit) is going to help the recovery. If the debasement of the Sterling was the objective of the BOE, the mission has been accomplished.

We are happy with the British decision and we are going to follow the next episodes of this major event, probably the most important one in the last few years.


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