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A inflação está morta?

Muita gente acredita que estamos entrando em uma nova era, marcada por uma permanente baixa inflação nos países desenvolvidos. Há poucos meses, a BusinessWeek, famosa

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The markets are back at or close to all-time highs and selecting investments at this point is becoming quite tricky, especially for a fundamentalist and

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Fibra Uno

Fibra Uno, short for Fideicomiso de Inversión en Bienes Raíces, is an old acquaintance of ours. We have invested in its shares early last year,

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First semester 2016

The first semester of 2016 was remarkably turbulent and we expect the volatility to stay high and possibly even increase by year’s end. The markets

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US Manufacturing PMI

O Índice US Manufacturing PMI caiu novamente em junho para o menor nível desde 2013, a 53.4, contra uma expectativa de 54.1. Mais uma decepção

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