A inflação está morta?
Muita gente acredita que estamos entrando em uma nova era, marcada por uma permanente baixa inflação nos países desenvolvidos. Há poucos meses, a BusinessWeek, famosa
Muita gente acredita que estamos entrando em uma nova era, marcada por uma permanente baixa inflação nos países desenvolvidos. Há poucos meses, a BusinessWeek, famosa
In 2000, one of the biggest discoveries in the oil sector was made, the Kashagan field in Kazakhstan. This discovery is considered the largest in
As usual, I would like to begin this letter thanking all our partners for the support and trust and our employees for the excellent year
Since our last update, on June 5th, we kept our NCM position without selling calls, as we expected gold prices to go higher. Our expectations
The first semester of 2016 was remarkably turbulent and we expect the volatility to stay high and possibly even increase by year’s end. The markets
The Beginning of the End Over the weekend, the lines in Greece stretched along the street. Around the corner. Down the block. Lines to get
O Índice US Manufacturing PMI caiu novamente em junho para o menor nível desde 2013, a 53.4, contra uma expectativa de 54.1. Mais uma decepção
Investors are advised to carefully read the prospectus and the regulations when investing their funds. L2 Capital Partners does not sell shares in investment funds and / or clubs or any financial asset. Get to know our Voting Policy ..