
L2 Capital Partners is an independent asset management company focused on international investment opportunities.

Founded in 2009, L2 Capital Partners has a dynamic team, with national and international experience in leading companies, such as Gartmore Investment Management, London & Capital Asset Management, Lloyds Asset Management and Cemig.

More than an asset management firm, L2 Capital Partners differentiates itself by the incessant search for investment opportunities off-the-radar of most investors.
The firm works with a wide range of individuals, companies, wealth and asset management firms in Brazil and abroad and the focus is on opportunities whose risk-return ratios are very asymmetrical.

L2 Capital Partnes

Seek the best opportunities in the markets and create value for our investors whilst delivering the best possible service.

To be among the most profitable asset managers in the world.


  • High Conviction
  • Confidentiality
  • Commitment
  • Transparency

Marcelo López - CIO

We adopt a practical approach towards investments, concentrate our efforts in finding bargains and we use tactical opportunism to achieve superior results.


Vila da Serra, Nova Lima - MG
CEP: 34.006-053
North Sydney, NSW
Data Processing - DPO
Bruna Massud
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Investors are advised to carefully read the prospectus and the regulations when investing their funds. L2 Capital Partners does not sell shares in investment funds and / or clubs or any financial asset. Get to know our Voting Policy ..